The Sumerian Laws: Justice System and Legislation in Ancient Times

The Sumerian Laws: Justice System and Legislation in Ancient Times

The Sumerian civilization is considered one of the oldest civilizations in history, flourishing in the region of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now southern Iraq. One of its notable achievements was the establishment of a clear and advanced legal system to regulate society and ensure justice.

The Sumerian laws relied on written legislation known as "laws of the ordinances." Numerous Sumerian legal texts dating back to the 3rd millennium BCE have been discovered, documenting the laws and regulations enforced during that period.

One of the most important and well-known collections of Sumerian laws is the "Code of Ur-Nammu," dating back to the 18th century BCE. This code consists of about 60 articles and covers a wide range of legal, civil, commercial, and criminal matters. The purpose of this code was to regulate social relations and achieve justice among members of society.

The Sumerian laws were based on the principles of fair punishment and compensation for damages. Individuals had the right to file complaints and initiate legal proceedings to protect their rights. There was also a court system consisting of appointed judges to resolve disputes and make legal decisions.


 One remarkable aspect of Sumerian laws was the significant emphasis on protecting the rights of women, children, and the vulnerable in society. The laws stipulated that crimes of violence or assault against women or children should be punished by the relevant authorities.

Furthermore, the Sumerian laws emphasized the need for organizing contracts and commercial transactions. They included rules to protect private property and safeguard debt and compensation rights.

Despite the ancient origins of Sumerian laws, some of the principles and concepts that governed them continue to influence modern justice systems. The focus on justice, individual rights, and protection against injustice were fundamental principles in the Sumerian legal system.

In conclusion, the Sumerian laws represent a remarkable legal masterpiece from ancient times, established on foundations that promoted justice and protected individual rights, while organizing society. These laws form an important cultural heritage that connects us to our human ancestors and reflects the evolution of human societies throughout history.


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